“Quality of delivery of initial literacy for immigrants to Europe:pedagogical approach, methods and materials”
dissabte, 17 de maig del 2014
dimecres, 9 d’abril del 2014
Venue for the workshop (Lloc del seminari)
All the sessions of the seminar will be held at Acefir's office
17007 Girona
See the map below:
Rail Station / Hotel Peninsular / Hotel d'Entitats - ACEFIR
Hotel d'Entitats (Sala d'actes/Assembly Hall)
c/Rutlla, 20-22 (at the corner with c/Lorenzana) See the map below:
Rail Station / Hotel Peninsular / Hotel d'Entitats - ACEFIR
dijous, 27 de març del 2014
Working methodology during the Grundtvig workshop
First of all we have to bear in mind we will
participate in a working seminar, it will not be a conference.
That’s why there will be 15-20 participants, but no more.
There will be 3 different types of sessions:
- workshop sessions
- informative sessions
- plenary sessions
Each of the workshop sessions, will have 2 or 3 people expert on the topic which will be dealt with or representatives of an expert organization, who will present the topic, from their own/their organization point of view. After that, there will be a debate the conclusions of which will be gathered by the person in charge of the session, together with the moderator and the people that presented the topic.
This working methodology will be used in the following sessions:
- Adult Learner’s Week
- Training of Trainers
- City Council’s role in the organization of adult education
- Evaluation of the learning process.
We will also have informative sessions, with a debate once the presentation is finished:
- Erasmus+
- EBSN-EBSN Academy presentation
- Adult Education at a penitentiary
- On-line training of trainers presentation
The evaluation, dissemination and conclusions session will be discussed as a plenary, with a moderator and the conclusions will be agreed by all the participants.
That’s why there will be 15-20 participants, but no more.
There will be 3 different types of sessions:
- workshop sessions
- informative sessions
- plenary sessions
Each of the workshop sessions, will have 2 or 3 people expert on the topic which will be dealt with or representatives of an expert organization, who will present the topic, from their own/their organization point of view. After that, there will be a debate the conclusions of which will be gathered by the person in charge of the session, together with the moderator and the people that presented the topic.
This working methodology will be used in the following sessions:
- Adult Learner’s Week
- Training of Trainers
- City Council’s role in the organization of adult education
- Evaluation of the learning process.
We will also have informative sessions, with a debate once the presentation is finished:
- Erasmus+
- EBSN-EBSN Academy presentation
- Adult Education at a penitentiary
- On-line training of trainers presentation
The evaluation, dissemination and conclusions session will be discussed as a plenary, with a moderator and the conclusions will be agreed by all the participants.
dimarts, 18 de març del 2014
dilluns, 17 de març del 2014
diumenge, 16 de març del 2014
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